“Seize the day and live it to the full” The Best Employees of The Year Awards for 2019

“No pain, no gain.” It is time to express thanks.

In spring, we planted a hopeful seed with our diligent nurturing, pragmatic attitudes and colorful dreams. Until now, it has grown into a towering tree. At the moment, we all feel happy, excited to realize our dreams and look forward to the brighter future.

Let’s embrace 2020 with confidence and anticipation! Come on! Fighting!

Diligence makes us feel achievable;

Devotion makes us feel honorable. 

We are a loving family.

The Best Employees of The Year Awards for 2019, who will be the best employees?

Achievement Award for Working 18 Years

Achievement Award for Working 15 Years

The Best Employee of The Year

Advanced Individuals Awar

Consolation Prized

The people in Huafeng Electronics devote their best time to achieving their goals. They believe in the shared values, the passion for career and the recognition for company. We have always supported each other in many times. Today’s Huafeng is so colorful that’s because of you.